This is why you should clean the filter of your extractor hood using coke


This trick is the easiest thing in the world for cleaning your extractor hood

Cleaning your extractor hood, let alone the oily, filthy filter, is not a pleasurable task. It may appear straightforward, but if you want to clean it properly, you’ll need to put in some elbow grease, saint. It’s a skill that not everyone possesses. Fortunately, with the help of a little coke, cleaning the filter becomes a whole lot easier!


Cola isn’t simply a delicious beverage; it’s also a wonder-product!


Cola is a versatile product that’s enjoyed as a soda drink and has many other uses. In reality, this product can be used to clean a wide range of items. You can use it to clean the toilet or descale your tea kettle. The popular beverage is said to be so chemical that it can clean objects. Who’d have guessed? It can also be used to get chewing gum out of your kids’ hair. Fill a dish halfway with coke and toss in the hair with the chewing gum. Allow this to sit for a time to see how simple it is to remove the gum.

Wash your hair

Did you know that washing your hair with coke has a number of advantages? We can’t say if it really works as effectively as some of the claims suggest, but if you desire more voluminous hair, this tip is probably worth a go. The cola is claimed to give your hair life and a stylish, unruly structure – in a good way. Cola’s high acidity causes the hair scales to contract and close. Your hair will shine as a result of this. Doesn’t it sound great? You can find out everything you need to know about it right here.

But first, let’s get to the point: how to clean your extractor hood with coke! The instructions are on the next page.

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and can vary from person to person.
